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Ads, Brochures, Websites, etc...they're like children to us; we hate to pick favorites.

But we know you want to see samples, so here are just a few projects we've done in the past year or so. If you want to see more, that's no problem. Just give us a call or drop us an email and we'll make arrangements.


Hand Pallet Truck Ad Targeting Retail and Big Box Stores

PacMaster Ad

Cardboard Recycling Shredder

Structural Adhesives Ads for OEMs

Materials Handling Equipment Ads


CNC Machining Center Ads


Municipal Lighting Controls

Pail Partner Advertising

Ergonomic Pail Lifter/Transporter Ad for Paint Stores


Plastic Pails and Rigid Packaging Ads


Plastics Recycling Systems


Materials Handling / Ergonomic Equipment


Employee Recruitment / Corporate Image



Southworth International


Lift'n Buddy Powered Hand Trucks

Epax Systems


Presto ECOA Lifts

Herbold USA

Consolidated Equipment Cord

Consolidated Equipment Corp.

Lift Company of America

OMCO Specialty Products

Interstate Fleet Media

Pyropel Inc.

Brochures, Catalogs, & Datasheets

Williamson Brochure


Traversing Waste Container Compactor Overview 

Side-by-Side Product Demonstration

Demonstration of Powered Keg Lifter and Transporter

Ergonomic Manual Materials Handling Products Demonstration for Online Trade Show

Before and After Installation of Shaft Grounding Protection on VFD-Driven Motors

Animated Comparison Between Manually Loading vs Floor Loading Using a Pallet Leveler onto a Container Trailer 

Hard Drive Destruction Services

Trade Show Graphics

Lift'n Buddy Booth Graphic

15' Stretched Cloth Graphic

Presto Lifts Booth Graphics

20' Booth with Custom Cabinets

Retail Handling Solutions Booth

20' Curved Vinyl Graphic on Pop-Up Display

PEC Booth Graphic

Custom Tower, Counter and Graphic Panels

Massive 40' Hanging Graphics and Curved Banner Graphics

20' Custom Booth with Built-in Cabinets and Backlit Displays

Direct Mail

Herbold USA Washline Postcard

Presto Lifts Distributor Sales Contest Announcement

AEGIS Shaft Grounding Ring Postcard

Russelectric Power Control Systems Mailer

Packaging Design

Promotional Packaging Design for Product Catalog

Packaging Design for Shaft Grounding Ring

Packaging and Labeling for Instant Two-Part Epoxy

Golf Ball Dozen Packs, Sleeves, and POP Displays

Foreign Language Projects

Materials Handling Equipment Brochure - Spanish

Industrial Infrared Pyrometer Brochure - Chinese

Wearing Compounds Sell Sheet - French

Motor Protection Best Practices Manual - Spanish

Materials Handling Website - Spanish

Wear and Abrasion Compounds Sell Sheet - Portuguese

Industrial Compound Sell Sheets - Spanish

Shaft Grounding Ring Website Slider - German